Thursday, July 22, 2010

This is Old

But in the next week, this boy and I will be taking a lottt of new photos.

And they will all be from California.

I'm super excited!

So I'll be gone for a week--and will be loving the ocean air.


Toodles, my bloggers.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

You're Looking for the Sunset

David and I took these photos a few days ago. Along with some photos with my lovely little nephew. For David and I, this summer has been quite busy compared to last summer. We're both keeping busy with work and other projects (helping out in a car shop for him, taking a drawing class for me) and although we don't spend as much time together as we have before, we still cherish the little time we have together anyway. You could call us romantics- we're hopeless ;) But we're hopeless together. And to think that two and a half years ago I would have NEVER imagined myself with this guy...and now look at us. I can't explain how well we fit peanut butter & jelly, like two peas in a pod, like macaroni and cheese. Well, you get the picture ;) We're just "lucky in love with (our) best friends."

Sooo enough about my love life. How is everyone else? How is your summer going? Any travel plans or projects going on? In 6 days my mom, my sister, my nephew, David and I will be travelling to California. I'm ubber excited :D I've been wanting to see the ocean for quite some time now--it's been too long since I've seen it last. We're going to Disney Land, Universal Studios, San Diego Zoo and more! I can't wait to see the smiles on my nephew's face..he's going to LOVE it.

Anyway, that's a short little update from me. I hope all is well for everyone.

God Bless!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I want this "DORioN' - Somewhere (feat. Brad Thomas Ackley & Jenny O)" by Juliett K.

Everything she's wearing. Plus her hair and that braid. I LOVE it!

I think I want to be a fashion photographer.
Now how to get there...? "DORioN' - Somewhere (feat. Brad Thomas Ackley & Jenny O)" by Juliett K.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


in 13 days I get to see the Ocean.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

I can't escape

my love for photography.
I may not think of it on a constant daily basis
and it may not fill my mind 24/7
but I'm going to do it.
I'm going to major in photography.
Not art, not music.
So here's to making up my mind (finally)
and taking the next step.
I will not take any negative feedback from
unsupportive friends and/or family members
because they may not understand my passion.
I drives my soul so I'm finally going to let it.
Here's to not being afraid
and here's to letting God take hold of my life
and letting Him work his wonders.
Praise God for creativity too.

I'm very happy for finally following my heart
and I hope this new path leads me to wonderous places.
The best is yet to come, I've heard. ;)

I tried something new: I hope it looks good.