because my heart won't let it go.
I feel so creative right now. It might not show in my work (or does it?) but my mind is going boggles with creativeness (is that even a word??). If I could paint right now, I'd want to splatter a million colors all over my walls, just because I could. But being me, I'd probably want to change it the next day or so. That's the weird thing: I like change when I want it but when things change, I want so bad for them to be the way they were before. Maybe that happens to a lot of people, I don't know. Anyway, I can be very fickle at times. Today, I changed my outfit two times and I'm already thinking of changing again. Or maybe I just want to go shopping...I LOVE shopping! I think I should stop working in retail though. I spend WAY too much money & hardly save for anything I really want/need. Like a new camera! and film! and money to shop in California! I just realized that we leave for California in exactly a month. Oh dear, I do need to save.
Enjoy your Tuesday, my dear blog readers.
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