Good afternoon!
I've spent the day clipping out skirts, dresses, shoes and accessaries from only TWO of my fashion magazines and I'm already tired.
Did you know that cutting out magazine pictures hurts your hand a lot? I didn't think my hand could be so cramped...
Anyway, I'm doing this to help my fashion sense. I just got a new job in Uptown (for those of you who don't know, in my city, that's where all the nice & expensive shops are) and the styling for all the workers has to be really good. I'd like to think I dress well and know how to put looks together but a little help from the pros is always good, donchya think?
So far, I've gotten a lot of ideas of new outfits and how to mix & match my current ones with new additions. It's exciting :) Too bad I haven't gotten paid yet!
I can't wait til I have a stable job, I'm out of school, and living with my future hubbie. Ohhh, it will be just wonderful ;D