School has been tying me up to my toes. My music has been slacking off lately, meaning that I'm behind in lessons and how prepared I am for performances. This is not good at all. I knew that by taking so many classes I would be really busy, not to mention my 6-hour Saturday class along with working as well, but I didn't know it would be like this. Each day seems to melt into one long day where I am hanging on by the last drops of caffeine from my morning coffee and barely having time to do the things I need to. I guess they call this college, eh? Well I sure didn't think it would be like this. There are sooo many things I want to do; play guitar, play piano, sing, take & edit photos, BLOG (:D), and not to mention have a little time to relax and hang out with friends, family, and other loved ones. Work, too, is taking up my time. This Saturday is completely shot, thanks to my photo class and work all night. Oi, I miss my free Saturdays. I'm glad spring break is just around the corner :)
From what I've had time to do, I'll leave you with a few photos.
By the way: what has been on your mind lately? I sure would like to hear from some of you. Anything bothering you or exciting you about this weekend? Lend me some words and I will lend you my ears.

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